Web pages are built from boxes and each box has its own border with you are able to style using CSS border properties. At first look, it looks easy. Using CSS border you can set border style and the border width, even round the box corners. But this is only the beginning. There is more information that you need to know if you want to manage a web view. In this post, I wrote about several useful things about CSS border and box calculations.
How to solve time problem in a project
Sometimes, projects stay on track, but more often we are behind schedule time. Usually, there is no big problem, because we have the margin to manage project delayed, but what to do where the buffer run out and we still have a problem delivering products in the project.
Will WordPress die soon?
WordPress is the most popular CMS on the Internet. Almost 40% of webpages are based on WordPress. Why it is so popular, and what even more important: will WordPress die soon? Or event worst question: will WordPress kill web development? These questions circulation over the internet, community wondering, and I suggest facing this question.
CSS knowledge that allows you to build pixel perfect page
CSS it’s pretty easy to use, but t’s also hard to become CSS Master. Have you ever heard about pixel-perfect web building? This is a popular requirement, for web developer positions. But what this it mean’s? For what elements of CSS you should look closer to achieve pixel-perfect design? In this post, I wrote about few CSS properties, that allow you to understand, how to achieve pixel-perfect pages thanks to CSS.
HTML Form server side validation
Last time I wrote about two validation methods on the client site. I also admit that this kind of validation won’t protect your server from hacker attacks. This because HTML and JavaScript files could be changed by users. So in this post, I show you, how to build a validation function in PHP.
Is your page structure written in HTML or in div language?
The websites are mostly constructed from three layer. First of all HTML wich creating a structure and content. Secondly, there is a CSS that includes how the website should look like. Finally, we have JavaScript with is able to reconstruct webpage depends on user interaction. So, my question is why on the Internet is so many pages written in div language?