How to use data from HTML form in JavaScript

Have you ever have some problems with data transferring between HTML form and JavaScript? I had, and I had learn something new. You probably know, that one of the most popular interaction between visitors and webpage based on HTML form. The Customer put some data to HTML form and then we use this data in JavaScript or we send in to server. What exactly I needed to do in my task, and what new things about that I learned, you can find bellow.

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Krzysztof NyrekHow to use data from HTML form in JavaScript
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How to made animation on the website?

A long, long, long time ago in there was no animation on the website. Just text, sometimes images, and hyperlinks. Then web developers used to animate elements on websites via JavaScript. That worked and still works, but today we can use CSS properties to make awesome animation on a webpage. In this post, I show you how to do that.

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Krzysztof NyrekHow to made animation on the website?
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How to use PHP to communicate with SQL Base

When you master building a static website, you are ready for the next big step in your web developer carrier: “Active website”. You can use PHP and SQL server to reach this goal. Of course, there are a lot of CMS services ready to use, just like WordPress, but still, it’s worth knowing how they working behind the scene. In this post, I show you, how to reach communication with SQL base using PHP. Let’s go 🙂

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Krzysztof NyrekHow to use PHP to communicate with SQL Base
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WordPress vs SEO

WordPress is often used for low-budget websites to see if an idea will work. It may turn out that the website doesn’t reach large ranges, among others because the creator didn’t take care of even minimal optimization for SEO.
Yes, this is a true story about myself and my own experience. SEO + WordPress ??? Does it matter? I thought a website based on WordPress is SEO Friendly 🙂 Yes, it is, but….

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Krzysztof NyrekWordPress vs SEO
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