How tricky Javascript can be?

This week showed me, how tricky JavaScript can be, especially when you need to do something for your client. Here how it goes: the client wants some functions and you think it simple, no problem I can do this. But after meeting, when you sit down in front of your computer, you wrote code and realized, this functionality isn’t so easy to code. In this post, I share with you my experience of using JS to switch photos on the web page. 

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Krzysztof NyrekHow tricky Javascript can be?
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The most popular JavaScript debug tool

If you ask JavaScript developers, which debugs tool they used most, they probably will answer you that consol.log is this tool. I’m not sure why is that. Using console.log it merely’s that’s some kind of standard but there is an easier way to check what’s going on in your code. In this post, I would like to share with you the cool trick with console.log and show you how to debug your JavaScript code differently. 

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Krzysztof NyrekThe most popular JavaScript debug tool
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Useful tools for web developers

When you want to make a website with will be highly ranked in Google Search Engine, and people wouldn’t have problems opening this site and will smoothly interact with it you need to use several tools to check if your website is perfectly designed. In this post, I has been wrote about these tools I use. 

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Krzysztof NyrekUseful tools for web developers
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The first year of programming is behind me

A year has passed, and I promised myself that after a year there would be a summary. Since I promised, it is, although I don’t know exactly what should be included in such a programming summary. Greatest achievements in the programming world, plans to reach new programming skills, what has gone well, what has failed? Maybe that’s a good starting point.

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Krzysztof NyrekThe first year of programming is behind me
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I love Grid

I like Grid more and more every day. But the story started a few years ago. Once, as part of the digitization of tools at work, I transferred the form from the paper version to Excel.

The condition was that when printing the excel file, the form had to be identical to the original version (in terms of field sizes and gaps between).

This week it dawned on me that I can transfer my website design to code in the same way thank’s to grid property. A fantastic discovery.

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Krzysztof NyrekI love Grid
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