How to speed up website

The websites look nice but take a long time to load. You may start thing how to speed up a website. The problem is that people are impatient and used to getting everything right here and right now. If they are to wait for something, they give up. When choosing between a nice look and the speed of loading a webpage, you should always choose speed.

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Krzysztof NyrekHow to speed up website
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JavaScript HydroApp

Another week, another project completed. This one required real mental gymnastics and many hours of learning JavaScript, but in the end, I made it, and the application for counting drinking glasses of water finally works.

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Krzysztof NyrekJavaScript HydroApp
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Strip Expotentation project

A week of returns. I returned to the WTF “Co ten Frontend” training and I returned to the Strip Expotentation project. In the first case, I promised myself that I would finish the training as soon as I immersed myself in React. I haven’t delved into React yet, but I’ve spent a lot of time learning about CSS. In the second case, I felt that it could be done better. Especially since two people tested the application and found a few elements for improvement.

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Krzysztof NyrekStrip Expotentation project
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