Regardless of whether you want to improve your web development or want to get a new skill, you need time in each of these cases. I’m constantly developing towards a Web Developer and if you have been following me for some time, you know that I have been working in this direction for over a year. Where do I get the time for this? About this in today’s post.
Web developer task management system
The most basic activity at web developer work is performing tasks. Generally, there is no problem with completing tasks, as long as these tasks do not accumulate a lot. If so, it’s impossible to stop thinking about how many there are and how to deal with them.
Material.IO final clash
Today I wrote about my short adventure with Material.IO. It’s a package from Google to build your website easily. On Material Design website you can find everything you need to know before you use this package. I heard that from my Boss, so I thought: great new knowledge to collect. I dived in.
The first year of programming is behind me
A year has passed, and I promised myself that after a year there would be a summary. Since I promised, it is, although I don’t know exactly what should be included in such a programming summary. Greatest achievements in the programming world, plans to reach new programming skills, what has gone well, what has failed? Maybe that’s a good starting point.
I love Grid
I like Grid more and more every day. But the story started a few years ago. Once, as part of the digitization of tools at work, I transferred the form from the paper version to Excel.
The condition was that when printing the excel file, the form had to be identical to the original version (in terms of field sizes and gaps between).
This week it dawned on me that I can transfer my website design to code in the same way thank’s to grid property. A fantastic discovery.
Is it worth using the CSS framework?
For the last two weeks, I have been fighting myself. I was wondering:
does the CSS Framework really speed up the writing of the page code? Or is it easier to write CSS code from scratch yourself?
You can also find voices on the web, it’s best to build your own CSS Framework from the most used items. Still not sure about the approach, maybe it all depends on the project, or maybe on the developer preferences?